
Juan Diaz v. Paulie Malignaggi II: Round by Round

The fighters are about to make their entrances. HBO showed a montage of the last fight and its outcome.

Paulie is making his ring now. He looks loose and ready. He is coming out to "We Run It" by 50 Cent.

Juan Diaz comes to the ring now. The fans are certainly behind Diaz as they cheer him on.

This fight is for the NABO junior welterweight championship.

The intros are about to wrap up. Here we go...

Round 1

Nothing doing so far. Paulie counters Diaz with a with a right hand. Diaz catches Malignaggi with a straight right. Paulie is using great movement as expected. A "Diaz" chant begins. Malignaggi tries to counter uppercut but misses. Diaz lands a left to the body. Malignaggi throws a combo and lands a great right hand. Malignaggi is fighting a good fight in Round 1. Now a "Paulie" chant starts and he puts his fist in the air.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Malignaggi

Round 2

Malignaggi is trying to wait for Diaz to throw a punch to counter. Paulie throws a fast flurry to the head. He's landing and getting out of the way. Diaz is starting to charge in to land something. Diaz lands a glancing right hook. Paulie lands a right uppercut while Diaz comes forward. This has been a great round for Malignaggi and he knows it.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Malignaggi

Round 3

A cut has opened over the left eye of Diaz. Malignaggi lands a left hook. Paulie lands a two-punch combo. Diaz lands a couple of punches to the body and one more upstairs. Now they trade shots in the center of the ring, and Malignaggi waves him in. Paulie lands a double right hook and the blood continues to run over Diaz's eye. Diaz misses with a right hook. Paulie lands three jabs. Malignaggi and Diaz trade left hooks to end the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Malignaggi

Round 4

Malignaggi continues to make Diaz miss. Paulie is countering very well. Diaz gets a straight left in. Paulie lands a double jab. Diaz starts to go to the body now and lands two shots. They trade a few punches on the inside in a clinch. Paulie lands two hooks to end the round. Another good round for Malignaggi.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Diaz

Round 5

Diaz gets Malignaggi in the corner and starts to let his hands go. Diaz connects with a big right hand and Malignaggi sticks his tounge out. Paulie has stopped moving around and is now just trading. Paulie lands two hooks to the body and one more upstairs. Diaz gets three hooks in to the body. A better round for Diaz.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Uatu: 10-9 Diaz

Round 6

Paulie lands a left hook. Diaz lands two straight left hands. They trade a couple of jabs. Diaz catches Malignaggi with a body shot and two hooks upstairs. He's starting to come into his own. Paulie lands a right hook. A "Paulie sucks" chant starts. Malignaggi lands a right hook on the button and Diaz is hurt. He taunts Diaz rather than trying to close the show. He lands a few more punches but does more taunting in the last 20 seconds.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Malignaggi

Round 7

Diaz's corner tells him to take this round off to fight harder in rounds 8 to 12. Questionable advice. Malignaggi lands a left-right combo. Diaz looks to be taking his corner's advice and isn't doing much. Malignaggi isn't doing too much this round either, but he's doing more than Diaz. Malignaggi lands a left hook. A few of his jabs get blocked.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Malignaggi

Round 8

Malignaggi lands a counter right. Paulie starts winding up his punch to taunt. Diaz comes forward and lands two punches to the body. Diaz gets in a shot that was a little low, and Paulie gets time to recover. He takes about 30 seconds and gets back in. Malignaggi gets backed against the ropes, and Diaz goes to work to the body. Malignaggi fires back with some hooks. He gets off the ropes and Paulie gets two more good shots in as they trade.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Diaz

Round 9

Malignaggi goes back to the game plan of jabbing and keeping his distance. Diaz continues to try to come forward. Diaz gets in but misses with a left hook. Paulie fires a jab, then another. Paulie gets a right hook blocked by Diaz. Paulie counters with a right. Diaz gets a straight left in. The cut opens up over the eye of Diaz again. Another good round for Paulie.

Spartan117: 10-9 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-9 Malignaggi

Round 10

Paulie knocks Diaz off-balance with a right hook. Paulie staggers Diaz with a straight jab. Paulie gets in a left uppercut. Diaz lands a right hand that grazes. Paulie lands a left jab. Diaz misses with a straight right. Paulie misses with a wide right hook. Diaz gets hit with a right hand and Diaz stumbles hard. The ref calls it a knockdown. It didn't look like his glove touched the mat. This is going to be a 10-8 round for Malignaggi.

Spartan117: 10-8 Malignaggi
Uatu: 10-8 Malignaggi

Round 11

They meet in the center of the ring and trade punches. Diaz goes to the body and Paulie lands a couple jabs. Now Paulie moves back and starts to counter again. Diaz is starting to throw hard hooks to go for the knockout. One looked like it landed, but Paulie holds his glove up to show that it was blocked. Maglignaggi lands a left and slips a punch from Diaz. Diaz gets clocked with two stiff jabs. Paulie lands two hooks to the body. The blood starts to flow over Diaz's eye.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Uatu: 10-9 Diaz

Round 12

Malignaggi goes back to work with the jab. Diaz misses with a wide right hook. The ref warns Malignaggi for pushing with his elbow, which he has been doing a lot. Paulie starts to throw right hooks, but Diaz blocks them easily. Diaz gets a right hook in. They are trading punches in the center of the ring. Diaz is landing the better power shots. The crowd starts to chant for Diaz. They meet back in the center. They trade shots in the final seconds with no defense at all. Good last round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Uatu: 10-9 Diaz

Spartan117: 117-110 Malignaggi
Uatu: 115-112 Malignaggi

All three judges score the bout 116-111 for the winner by unanimous decision, Paulie "The Magic Man" Malignaggi.

Paulie says, "I told you so. All I needed I was a fair shake."

He says Diaz didn't pressure him and his hands were faster than Juan's. Malignaggi wants Juan Manuel Marquez, with the winner to fight Ricky Hatton.

Posted by spartan117

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Malignaggi has fought 30 fights and only KO'ed 5? ... c'mon man, this boxer is no where near the skills of Hatton or Margquez. Cotto/Hatton kicked his ass. Five KO's? ... no power, no power at all.