
R. Hearns v. Yorgey: Round by Round

The first fight in Saturday's double header is a junior middleweight fight between Harry Joe Yorgey and Ronald Hearns. Both fighters are moving up the ranks in their division even though Hearns is 30 years old, and in case you were wondering, Ronald Hearns is indeed the son of former champion Tommy Hearns.

The ref for the fight is Steve Smoger. I like his officiating style and I haven't seen him in a while. Yorgey is 21-0-1 with 9 KOs. Hearns is 21-0 is 17 KOs. Hearns looks like he has the exact same body his dad had when he was a boxer, long and thin.

Round 1
Hearns has already established the jab. Hearns is able to keep Yorgey away with his long reach. Yorgey gets a jab in followed by a right straight. Both fighters are showing great hand speed. Hearns lands a jab that knocks Yorgey's head back. There are a lot of jabs being thrown from both fighters. Yorgey gets inside and lands a right uppercut. There are really some great punches being landed by both fighters. It's a close round to score but I give it to Hearns for being busier.

Spartan117: 10-9 Hearns

Round 2
Hearns gets in there first in round 2 and lands some big jabs and right hands while Yorgey is against the ropes. Yorgey gets inside and lands two shots that backs Hearns down. Yorgey lands a good right hand that knocks the head of Hearns. Yorgey has been landing and then backing off. Yorgey gets inside but misses his punches and Hearns gets out of the way. Another good round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Yorgey

Round 3
Hears complains to Smoger between rounds of a headbutt. Smoger says that he didnt see anything. Yorgey is rocking Hearns to start this round. He landed some great uppercuts and hooks and Hearns was forced to fight back to keep Yorgey off. Hearns goes back to the jab. Hearns has been pawing at his right eye which looks like is bothering him. Yorgey gets Hearns in the corner but Hearns dodges well. Hearns has controlled the last minute of the round. I still give it to Yorgey.

Spartan117: 10-9 Yorgey

Round 4
Hearns' jab looks to have less snap than it did in round 1. Yorgey lands a great left hook. Hearns lands a jab. Yorgey lands a left hand followed by a right that hurts Hearns badly. Hearns says its a slip but it clearly wasn't. Hearn's looks tired and is backing away. Yorgey is closing the gap and Hearns clinches. Yorgey hasn't done anything to finish Hearns. Hearns lands a fantastic left hook that drops Yorgey! Yorgey also calls it a slip but Smoger calls it a knockdown. Both fighters throw great combos to finish the round. Great round!

Spartan117: 10-10

Round 5
Both fighters look to have their legs back for round 5. Hearns goes back to keeping Yorgey away with the jab. Yorgey tries to get inside. Yorgey gets in and absolutely destroys Hearns with a great right hand. Hearns was out when he hit the canvas. Somehow he makes it up by the 10 count. Hearns is up and now dishing out the punishment. Yorgey isn't doing much now. This turnaround from Hearns is amazing. He's showing great heart. The punch that scored the knockdown from Yorgey would have kept most fighters on the canvas.

Spartan117: 10-8 Yorgey

Round 6
Hearns still looks find but he is definitely more cautious. Hearns throws 3 jabs and lands 1. Hearns is trying to set up the right hand. Yorgey is staying patient and not really trying to end the fight. Yorgey gets inside but doesn't throw any punches. Not much urgency from either fighter in this round. Hearns lands a jab and a hook to the body and Yorgey lands a hook to the head to end the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Hearns

Round 7
Yorgey's trainer tells him to stick to the jab. Yorgey comes out and does what his trainer told him. Hearns is still the busier fighter amazingly enough. Hearns is doing a good job getting out of the way of Yorgey's right hand. Yorgey gets in and lands a left uppercut. Yorgey is counterpunching now. Yorgey gets Hearns against the ropes and tries to land. Hearns gets out of the way. Hearns gets clocked with lefts and rights upstairs and Hearns tries to clinch to stay alive. Hearns backs away and Yorgey is forced to chase him around the ring. Yorgey gets a great right hand in the spins Hearns around right before the bell. Hearns' father, Tommy Hearns, looks furious at ringside.

Spartan117: 10-9 Yorgey

Round 8
Hearns is still bouncing on his toes in round 8. Hearns has never been past 8 rounds in his career. Yorgey is landing some serious shots to start this round. Hearns is really backing away now. Yorgey could have ended this by now if he was more aggressive. The Showbox commentators discuss that Yorgey hasn't had many KOs and is therefore not a great finisher. Hearns lands a great right hand now. Yorgey nods which shows that it hurt. Yorgey tries to get back inside and Hearns backs away to avoid him. Hearns isn't throwing many jabs like he was earlier. Tough round to score.

Spartan117: 10-9 Hearns

Round 9
Yorgey sticks the jab. He gets inside again and unleashes his right hand. Hearns backs off. Hearns thows 4 jabs and lands 2. Not much happening at all in this round. Hearns is actually the busier fighter. I can't tell if Yorgey is tired or he just doesn't know what to do. Yorgey lands a left hook to the body. Yorgey throws two shots and Hearns takes a step back and drops his hands. Now Hearns is chasing Yorgey around the ring. Hearns lands a great left uppercut but Yorgey comes back and crushes Hearns with a great left right combo and Hearns' legs buckle. Yorgey lands a huge right hand and Hearns goes down again right before the bell! Hearns gets up to his knee but can't get up by the 10 count, he looks like he's in bad shape. It's all over.

The winner by KO at 2:59 in the 9th round...Harry Joe Yorgey.

Posted by spartan117

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