The first fight of the night is between Michael Medina and John Duddy. Duddy is pressing the action, trying to beat Medina to the punch. Duddy is looking quick and strong, but his defense is lacking. Medina is landing some good shots upstairs in round 1.
This fight is heavy on the offense. Neither fighter is showing much defensive prowess. Medina is landing some good right hands that could add up as the fight progresses.
The crowd is still filing in to Cowboys Stadium. Right now, it's pretty quiet.
Lederman has it two rounds to one for Duddy after three rounds in the books. Duddy is the more active fighter, but Medina is getting in some good shots.
This is really cool. Max Kellerman is in the tunnel where visiting teams usually enters the field and it's packed with people. Tonight the fighters will be coming to the ring from that tunnel. The view of the giant screen is truly amazing.
In the ring is more of the same. Duddy is winning the rounds by staying active. Medina is getting a punch in here and there.
The HBO crew just commented that this fight is not very exciting. Neither fighter looks tired, as they're still swinging away. Duddy gets wobbled by a right hook at the end of round 7. He's lucky that it didn't land earlier in the round. Duddy seems to have his legs back under him, coming out for the 8th round.
Not much happened until the final round. Medina had Duddy against the ropes and tried to close the show with 10 seconds left. Duddy didn't look like he was in too much trouble. This should be a Duddy win by decision.
Actually it was a split decision, but still for John Duddy.
The second fight is between Jose Luis Castillo and Alfonso Gomez.
Gomez is staying active and keeping up the jab. Castillo looks to be waiting to land a bit shot. Gomez is looking good at the end of round 1. The crowd is still relatively quiet.
Castillo is taking Gomez's punches well, and he's gotten some solid punches in there too. Gomez is winning the early rounds due to his work rate.
Kelly Pavlik is in the crowd.
Gomez is still looking good in there. He's staying active and landing some great combinations to the head and body. Castillo is staying active too and is landing the harder punches.
We have a victory in between rounds for Alfonso Gomez and the fight ends about as abruptly as any fight could possibly end. Apparently Castillo simply ran out of gas.
Posted by spartan117
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Pretty funny that they mentioned Jack Loew and his criticism of Duddy's defense. It's not like Kelly Pavlik is a defensive wizard or something.
Danny Jacobs just tweeted that he'd be willing to fight Duddy. I bet he would...
The media has been making noise about Duddy getting a big fight for years, as a B side, because of his large drawing power. It has yet to happen.
I could see guys licking their chops to fight him after this. In New York, where he would bring his fans, it would make sense.
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