
Humberto Soto vs. David Diaz: Round by Round

The last fight on the undercard is between Humberto Soto and David Diaz. No time being wasted tonight, as both fighters are in the ring already.

Round 1

They touch gloves in the center of the ring. Soto works the jab. He gets in a nice uppercut as Diaz comes forward. Good first round so far for Soto. He's looking sharp, fast, and accurate. There is already a cut over the right eye of Diaz. It's not clear whether it was caused by a punch. Soto lands a great right hook that caught Diaz off balance, and his glove touched the canvas. 10-8 round for Soto.

Spartan117: 10-8 Soto
Franchise: 10-8 Soto

Round 2

Diaz is coming forward now, trying to get some jabs in. Soto lands a fast combo upstairs. Now he lands a counter uppercut. Pretty boring second round. There's a lot of cheering going on, most likely from something being shown on the big screen. It should be a round in the bank for Soto.

Spartan117: 10-9 Soto
Franchise: 10-9 Soto

Round 3

They are trading power shots now. Diaz has Soto against the ropes and got a good right hook in. Soto is still trying to counterpunch, which has been effective thus far. Diaz lands a right to the body. Soto misses with an uppercut. Tons of cheers from the crowd, but it's only due to the wave that's being performed. Diaz is trying to bully Soto into the ropes, but Soto is handling it pretty well.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Soto

Round 4

Diaz's eye is starting to swell. He misses with a right uppercut. Soto is using great movement and is getting out of the way of most of Diaz's punches. Diaz lands a left upstairs, then a right hand. Then he gets ahead of himself and misses badly with a right uppercut. Soto lands a left hook and straight right to end the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Diaz

Round 5

Diaz keeps the jab going. Soto comes in and lands a good right hand. Diaz misses with a wide right hook. Diaz gets Soto against the ropes again and lands a hook to the body. Soto unleashes a flurry that gets mostly blocked. Diaz looks like he might be getting tired. He's doing a lot of leading in there. Not much action down the stretch of the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Soto

Round 6

They go in to trade power punches in the center of the ring. It looked like they could've clashed heads there, but they come out of it unharmed. Soto lands a jab. Now a right hook. Diaz gets Soto against the ropes again and loads up on a right hook to the body. Soto lands a triple jab. They trade punches to end the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Soto
Franchise: 10-9 Soto

Round 7

Diaz is trying to get in some body shots but looks like he's getting really tired. Soto lands a right hand. Diaz grazes Soto with a left upstairs. Soto lands a left hook. Diaz lands a straight right hand that looked strong. Soto gets a left hand in after the bell.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Diaz

Round 8

Soto gets a left hand in. They've both been throwing a good number of punches, but most are either missing or being blocked. There isn't much landing cleanly. Soto sticks a jab and moves out of the way. On a side note, the official attendance numbers are in. There are nearly 51,000 people currently in Cowboys Stadium.

Spartan117: 10-9 Soto
Franchise: 10-9 Soto

Round 9

Diaz gets Soto against the ropes and gets warned by the ref for using his elbow. Soto lands a good five-punch combo. He drops his hands below his waist now and dodges with his upper body movement. Diaz lands a left and a right. This has been a better round for Diaz.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Diaz

Round 10

Soto is letting this fight slip away. Soto slips and falls and gets up slowly. He may be tired. Diaz gets him against the ropes once again and lands a good right to the body. They exchange punches and Soto gets tangled in the ropes, forcing the ref to break them up. Soto blocks a big left hook. Diaz lands a left hook.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Diaz

Round 11

You have to hand it to Diaz. He seems to be fighting with a sense of urgency and is trying to steal this one away from Soto. Diaz continues to come forward and tries to land some good power shots. He gets Diaz against the ropes again where he's had some success and lands a combo upstairs.

Spartan117: 10-9 Diaz
Franchise: 10-9 Soto

Round 12

Diaz is swinging away in there and lands a shot under the belt. The ref stops the action to warn him, and Soto gets a break. Diaz lands two hooks. Soto lands two big shots to the head. Diaz slips and falls. This has been a good last round for Soto. Soto landed a big left, right hook combo and Diaz goes down in the last 10 seconds. That's really going to cost him.

Spartan117: 10-8 Soto
Franchise: 10-8 Soto

Spartan117: 113-113
Franchise: 116-110 Soto

The judges score the bout 115-111, 117-109 and 117-109, all for the winner by unanimous decision... and new WBC lightweight titleholder... Humberto Soto.

Posted by spartan117

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