
Luis Carlos Abregu vs. Richard Gutierrez: Round by Round

The undercard of tonight's event on Showtime is a welterweight bout between Luis Carlos Abregu and Richard Gutierrez. This fight will have open scoring and the instant replay is in effect.

Gutierrez, who hails from Miami, Florida, is 24-3-1 with 14 KOs and Abregu, from Salta, Argentina, is 28-0 with 23 KOs.

Round 1

They come out of their corners and meet in the center of the ring. Abregu shows off his hand speed early. He lands a couple jabs and a right cross. He's really loading up on the power punches early. They exchange jabs. Guitierrez throws a couple jabs of his own. He gets in two glancing rights to the body. Abregu throws a nice combo that scores. The ref tells Abregu to watch his head on the inside. Abregu throws a wide right hand that gets blocked. Abregu lands a right hand that causes Gutierrez to step back.

Spartan117: 10-9 Abregu
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 2

Abregu lands some more jabs and loads up on the right, but he gets caught with a big left from Gutierrez he goes down. He makes it up but is on wobbly legs. He's getting on his bicycle now. There is 1:22 left in the round and Abregu is still wobbly. He is still throwing power shots. Gutierrez can't land a power punch. Abregu is completely back now. His defense looks back and he's throwing some great combos. Great round.

Spartan117: 10-8 Gutierrez
Uatu: 10-8 Gutierrez

Round 3

Abregu is still backpedaling. He may still be hurt. Now he lands a huge combo and Gutierrez is hurt. Gutierrez waves him in. Abregu answers and puts Gutierrez down. He's hurt but makes it up. Abregu tries to close the show but gets clocked with a wide hook from Gutierrez. Abregu is still throwing strong shots. Both men are still on their feet. Ten seconds left. Abregu lands a great combo before the bell.

Spartan117: 10-8 Abregu
Uatu: 10-8 Abregu

Round 4

Abregu lands a short left hook that staggers Gutierrez early. Gutierrez lands a looping right hook. They are both going for the KO. Gutierrez lands a straight right hand. Now they trade jabs. Abregu lands another right hand. Gutierrez lands a straight right hand. Abregu lands a right hook, and Gutierrez is hurt. He holds on and makes it to the end of the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Abregu
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 5

Abregu lands a right hook early. Gutierrez looks to have his legs back. Abregu is still looking for the KO. Not many jabs from either fighter. Both hesitate before throwing. Abregu feints and lands a right hand. Gutierrez lands an uppercut. Gutierrez lands a stiff jab. This has been a better round for Gutierrez. Abregu lands a great right hand with 10 seconds left. That punch won him the round in my book.

Spartan117: 10-9 Abregu
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 6

Abregu comes out firing. He lands a wide right hand again. Gutierrez lands a good left that sends Abregu into the ropes. Gutierrez misses with a right hook. Abregu is moving backward now. Gutierrez is using good head movement. Abregu's head remains stationary. Gutierrez misses with an uppercut. This round is up for grabs. Abregu lands a left hook, followed by a left-right hook combo.

Spartan117: 10-9 Abregu
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 7

Abregu misses with a wide hook early. Gutierrez comes back with a right hand to the body. Abregu keeps throwing very wide hooks. Abregu lands a right to the body and one upstairs. A cut opens on the left eye of Abregu. I'm not sure what caused that cut. Gutierrez lands a right hook that staggers Abregu, and he starts moving back. Abregu is on wobbly legs. He looks gassed but continues to throw power shots.

Spartan117: 10-9 Gutierrez
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 8

The official ruling is that the cut was caused by a punch. Now the ring doctor takes a look at it. The doctor says that he can continue to fight. Gutierrez turns up the pressure now. Abregu gets a good right hand in. Abregu lands another combo to the body. Gutierrez blocks a number of shots from Abregu. Abregu throws another combo and paws at his bloody eye. Abregu continues to throw the wide right hook with little success late in this fight, but he is still winning most of the rounds.

Spartan117: 10-9 Abregu
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 9

Abregu throws a right hook to start the round. Abregu goes down from a slip. Gutierrez lands a left hook. Abregu gets inside and lands a couple of hooks. Gutierrez tries to lands more meaningful punches, but Abregu is using solid movement. Gutierrez lands a left hook on the beltline. Blood is really pouring form the left eye of Abregu. Gutierrez isn't throwing any combos. Abregu is up on all three of the judges cards, but the press row scorers have the fight a draw.

Spartan117: 10-9 Abregu
Uatu: 10-9 Abregu

Round 10

We are entering the final round. Abregu is on his bicycle now. Gutierrez knows he needs a knockout because of the open scoring. Abregu is moving everywhere around the ring. Gutierrez lands a left hook to the body. The round is halfway over. Abregu lands some hooks to the body. Gutierrez barely misses with a right hook. Abregu throws a flurry. Abregu lands a solid left hook to end the fight.

Spartan117: 10-9 Gutierrez
Uatu: 10-9 Gutierrez

Spartan117: 96-92 Abregu
Uatu: 97-91 Abregu

The judges score the bout 98-90 and 97-91 twice, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Carlos Abregu.

Posted by spartan117


uatu said...

Open scoring. After 4 it was Abregu by 2 points on all 3 cards.

uatu said...

Open scores after 8. Abregu 77-73 and 78-72 twice.

Nick Tylwalk said...

Open scoring is garbage! Unless you like the guy in the lead running for the entire final round every time...

uatu said...

Abregu certainly ran. But to his credit, he threw punches. He could have taken round 10 honestly.