I was kind of bummed out that my weekend included no boxing. It's sad, but it happens from time to time when life gets in the way.
Anyway, I got a little happier when I happened across the news that Creative Cardboard Concepts has set a tentative release date for its Ringside Boxing Round One cards: May 2010. Still no checklist at the CCC site, but there are some previews of different aspects of the new product.
Along with some pretty simple but nice looking base cards, the company revealed several subsets, including In My Corner, Tale of the Tape, Victorious and Weigh-In.
Also shown are hard-signed autographs (meaning the signature is right on the card, not on a sticker or something similar) and memorabilia cards.
The set looks like it may be heavier on retired stars of the ring than today's current crop - though Chad Dawson was pictured on one of the cards - but we'll just have to wait and see. I'm excited to see how this comes out.
Posted by The Franchise
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