The intros are finished. Here we go.
Round 1
Wlad comes out first and uses the jab as expected. Chagaev tries to get inside and throws a jab to the body. Wlad keeps the jab going. He hasn't thrown a right hand yet. Chagaev does get inside and lands two right hands before a clinch. Wlad lands a couple more jabs. One jab lands on the nose of Chagaev. Chagaev lunges to get inside. Not much going on yet.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 2
Wlad pours on the jabs. Still no right hands from Wlad. Chagaev finally gets inside again and lands a left hand. Wlad throws his first right hand. It's a straight. Chagaev can't figure out a way to get on the inside and land some punches. He goes for it again and Wlad backs away. Wlad lands a fast right hand and Chagaev goes down. He's fine, as it was a flash knockdown. Wlad is trying to get some openings for another right hand.
Spartan117: 10-8 Klitschko
Round 3
Klitschko goes back to the jab, as usual. Chagaev is starting to get braver and taking more chances to get inside. He lands a pretty good counter up top. Wlad has landed some solid jabs this round. Now a strong right hand. Chagaev ducks inside and misses with a left. Wlad lands another jab. Klitschko lands a great right hand. He's starting to let the right hand go.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 4
I can't blame Chagaev for trying. He's doing his best at trying to get inside without putting himself in serious danger. Wlad keeps up his jab output. Wlad throws two right hands but they were both blocked. Now Wlad is starting to lay on the power punches. Chagaev won't be able to last too long if he keeps taking punches like that. Wlad lands another huge right hand.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 5
Klitschko comes out throwing, you guessed it, a jab. Chagaev isn't doing anything to try to land punches. Wlad lands a left-right combo, his best of the night. Chagaev is taking some serious damage. Chagaev tries to land a body shot before a clinch. Wlad throws a left hook but it misses. Chagaev throws and lands a left straight. This has been a somewhat more productive round for Chagaev but Wlad still takes it by a mile.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 6
Klitschko lands some more jabs. Klitschko looks like he's interested in ending this sooner rather than later, now throwing more power punches. He lands another jab. Chagaev tries to get inside again and fails. This round has been more of the same: Wlad landing some strong jabs and Chagaev not landing much of anything.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 7
Klitschko establishes the jab once again. Chagaev leaps forward with a wide right hand. Wlad backs away from danger. Klitschko comes back with another left-right combo that finds its mark. Chagaev finally steps on the gas pedal and charges Wlad into the ropes, throwing everything he can. Wlad clinches to keep the pressure off of him. They separate and Wlad goes back to the jab.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 8
Klitschko lands some more jabs. Now he lands another big right hand. Chagaev is backed against the ropes and Klitschko goes in for the kill, throwing right hands set up by the jab. Chagaev charges inside and backs Wlad up. Wlad lands another right hand. Chagaev gets in again and lands a right hand. A cut has opened over the left eye of Chagaev.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klitschko
Round 9
A Klitschko chant starts up. He keeps the jabs coming with a few rights thrown in. He's starting to break down the defense of Chagaev and landing at a higher percentage. Seven to 10 jabs in a row thrown by Wlad now. He finally throws a right hand into the mix. Chagaev is against the ropes and in trouble now. The crowd thinks that Wlad is going to close the show. He lands some more right hands but Chagaev makes it out of the round.
Spartan117: 10-8 Klitschko
Chagaev's corner decide that he's had enough. They stop it between the 9th and 10th round.
The winner by TKO, Wladimir "Dr. Steelhammer" Klitschko.
Posted by spartan117
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thank you from Tahiti
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