The intros are finished, here we go.
Rd 1
Guerrero tries to get in first. He's showing so fast hand speed. He seems to be focusing on the body. Yordan hits Guerrero with a few hooks upstairs. Not a whole lot of defense for Guerrero in round 1. Guerrero gets a few shots in by holding and hitting. The ref breaks them up. Yordan uses his jab. Guerrero loads up the straight right but it gets blocked. Guerrero is trying to counter punch. Yordan gets 2 shots in before the bell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Yordan
Uatu: 10-9 Guerrero
Rd 2
The fighters do a lot of clinching to start round 2. Yordan lands two great hooks that land flush upstairs. A cut opens above the eye of Guerrero. It's a bad one. The ref stops the action for the doctor to look at it. Guerrero complains that he can't see anything. The ref decides to stop the action. It is caused by an accidental headbut. Since it didn't go to 4 rounds this fight is a no decision.
The crowd is not happy about this outcome. Michael Buffer makes the announcement to a chorus of boos.
I have never seen Yordan fight, so I can't make a legit pick. My guess is that he was chosen because Guerrero will be able to find him easily.
this fight is getting grabby early. more clinches than jmm diaz already.
looks like guerrero has a bad cut from a headbutt
and that's it. I thought Yordan was winning round 2, for what it's worth, but it hadn't gotten too far along in the round.
Yordan looked decent. he probably would have been trouble for guerrero if this fight continued.
but Guerrero could have turned it on too, who knows.
have to admit, looking at the close up, that cut is pretty bad, not the worst I have ever seen, but it is right above his eye and would have bled all night into his eye.
The cut was clearly caused by an accidental headbut. It opened a bad cut and I don't fault Guerrero for not continuing.
yeah, unfortunately, it was probably not worth continuing.
mixed emotions, because the armchair fan always wants to see the fighter go for it, but risk/reward might not make much sense to continue when we aren't even through two rounds.
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