Round 1
The height disadvantage doesn't look as obvious as I thought it would. Dirrell is sticking the jab which is easy when you're fighting a significantly shorter fighter. Findley gets in and lands the jab. Direll lands a great body shot. Dirrell lands a right hook and gets out of the way. He's sticking and moving very well. Dirrell lands an enormous left hook and knocks Findley silly. Findley stumbles against the ropes and Dirrell switches to southpaw and unleashes some serious power shots. Dirrell throws uppercut after uppercut but somehow Findley makes it out of the round. In between rounds Findley's corner said that their fighter's nose is broken.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 2
They touch gloves to start round 2. Dirrell stays in southpaw now. Dirrell lands a great left straight. Findley isn't throwing much of anything. Dirrell lands a huge body shot that staggers Findley. Dirrell lands a 1-2 combo upstairs. Findley isn't throwing anything which shows that this fight should just be stopped. Now Findley gets in and throws a punch but it misses. It's pretty much target practice for Dirrell right now. Findley has never been knocked down but it looks like he might be tonight.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 3
Findley is trying harder to get inside now. Dirrell goes back to the jab. Dirrell moves away from Findleys straight right hand. Dirrell's movement is great. Dirrell sticks a jab but isn't throwing much else. Findley finally lands a left. Findley lands a right hand. He gets in again and Dirrell falls from a slip. Dirrell should really be doing more to end this.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 4
Findley is clearly outclssed but Dirrell isn't doing enough to try to finish this. He keeps sticking and moving and now even clinching. This is a better round from Findley but still not great. Dirrell lands a great jab. There's been a minute of nothing but jabs from Dirrell. Findley isn't doing much of anything either.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 5
The crowd is not into this fight and with good reason. Dirrell has no reason to stick and move and he continues to do so. Dirrell lands a left to the body and left upstairs. Findley gets inside and Dirrell clinches. Dirrell goes back to the jab. Both fighters keep talking to each other. I'm not sure what they are saying. Findley gets a final warning for hitting on the break.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 6
Findley waits 30 seconds to throw a punch. Dirrell sticks to his jab. Findley is stalking Dirrell around the ring and Dirrell flashes a big smile. Findley keeps talking to Dirrell most likely talking trash for constantly backing away. Dirrell keeps throwing the jab and now throws a body shot. Another round goes to Dirrell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Findley's trainer doesn't want his fighter to take any more punishment and throws in the towel.
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