Jimmy Lennon Jr. handles the entrances for the Froch v. Dirrell fight. Dirrell makes his way to the ring first. The crowd sends some boos his way, but he has a big smile on his face.
Froch comes to the ring now to "We Will Rock You" by Queen, which then changes to "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns and Roses.
Andre Dirrell is 18-0 with 13 KOs. Carl Froch is 25-0 with 10 KOs.
The intros are finished, here we go.
Round 1
Dirrell goes to work first and lands a couple of hooks to the body. Not much action from either fighter yet. They are feeling themselves out in there. Dirrell's speed is evident in the first round. Dirrell lands two jabs. Dirrell keeps talking to Froch; not sure what he's saying. Dirrell counters with a right hand. Dirrell switches to southpaw. Froch comes forward and Dirrell laughs and pounds his chest. Froch is keeping his left hand below his waist, while Dirrell is landing some good jabs.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 2
Dirrell lands a jab to the body. Froch keeps his jab going but misses because he's too far away. Dirrell is using good upper body movement to get out of the way of Froch's jabs. This looks like it's still a feeling out round. Froch leads off with a wide left hook, and Dirrell gets out of the way. Froch keeps both of his hands below his waist now. Dirrell lands a double left jab.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 3
Dirrell goes to work with a double right hand. Froch ties him up. They break apart and Froch goes back to the jab. Dirrell gets backed into the corner, and Froch tries to land but Dirrell gets away. Dirrell reaches inside for a jab to the body. Dirrell gets out of the corner again, and Froch misses with a body shot. Dirrell smiles. Froch lands a good right hand while Dirrell was off balance, and Dirrell counters. Froch can't take advantage of Dirrell when he is in the corner.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 4
Dirrell unleashes two left hands from the southpaw stance, and Froch puts his gloves up. Dirrell looks to be waiting to land his power punch. He switches back to orthodox stance. He counters with a right hand. Froch has Dirrell against the ropes, but Dirrell dances away. The crowd starts to boo. Froch goes to the body, and Dirrell comes forward and tries to land a straight left hand. Froch throws wildly while Dirrell is in the corner but misses.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 5
Froch throws a left hand, and Dirrell counters with a right hand. Now another great right hand by Dirrell. Froch isn't doing enough to win these rounds. He's really hesitating before throwing. The fighters tie up and Dirrell gets tackled down. Froch gets a warning. He looks frustrated in there. Dirrell throws a good combo, and they tie up. Froch lands a big shot to the body on the break, and the ref warns him again. Froch is clearly frustrated.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 6
Dirrell comes out in the southpaw stance. Dirrell gets caught in the corner. Froch throws wildly, and Dirrell slips. Dirrell lands two big shots. This has completely turned into a brawl. There's a lot of punching in the tie ups and on the breaks. The ref stops the action and tells both fighters to knock it off. Dirrell slips a right hand with a "Matrix" style move, earning his nickname.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Froch
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 7
Froch comes out and looks to be fighting with more urgency. They trade hard punches and tie up in the corner. Dirrell is baiting Froch while against the ropes to land a counter. Froch lands a punch to the body, and Dirrell clinches him. Dirrell has been clinching a lot, and the ref warns him. Froch lands a good right hand, and Dirrell ties up his other arm. This fight has really turned sloppy. Froch is now holding and hitting, and Dirrell complains to the ref. Dirrell lands a big left hand that backs up Froch.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 8
Froch goes back to the jab. Dirrell answers back with a jab of his own. Dirrell counters Froch's jab with a left. Not much from either fighter. Dirrell slips, which stops the action. Dirrrell lands a big right hand, the best of the round. Dirrell clinches, and Froch starts holding and hitting. Dirrell throws a power combination, and Froch smiles. Dirrell gets caught with a big right hand, and the crowd gets on its feet. Froch goes for a knockout, but Dirrell ties him up.
Spartan117: 10-9 Froch
Uatu: 10-9 Froch
Franchise: 10-9 Froch
Round 9
Froch goes to work with the jab again. Dirrell looks to counter. Dirrell gets a double left hand in. Dirrell misses with a jab but connects with a right hand. Froch starts coming forward more now. Dirrell is landing some great punches in this round, mostly left hands from his southpaw stance. Froch keeps trying to punch Dirrell in the back of the head; the ref warns him. Good round for Dirrell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Froch
Round 10
Dirrell keeps his jab going. Froch gets him in the corner and tries to throw his big power punches. Dirrell gets out of the way. Dirrell lands a stiff jab, and they tie up in the corner. It's still pretty sloppy in there. The ref stops the action and deducts a point from Dirrell for holding! Dirrell is not happy. He has already held twice since the point deduction. Dirrell lands two huge left hands. Dirrell lands an huge right hand, and Froch is on wobbly legs. He barely makes it out of the round.
Spartan117: 9-9
Uatu: 9-9
Franchise: 9-9
Round 11
Dirrell looks to be going for the knockout. This is the first fight where Dirrell has gone past 10 rounds. Dirrell is landing some thunderous shots in this round. Froch keeps tying up. Now Froch lands a good left hook. Dirrell goes to work in the corner and lands a two-punch combo. Dirrell is using great movement to dodge Froch's punches. Dirrell lands a great right hand counter. Froch is taking the punches well. Froch is still bouncing on his feet. Good round for Dirrell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Dirrell
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
Round 12
They touch gloves in the center of the ring. Froch was told between rounds that he needs a KO to win. He comes out swinging. Dirrell lands a big right hand. Froch fires back with a combo that grazes. Dirrell lands an uppercut. Now he goes to the body. Dirrell dodges two punches while trapped in the corner. Froch lands a jab. Froch throws a combo in the corner. Dirrell gets stuck in the corner again, and Froch lands a combo. This has been a great round. Froch comes forward to land a a big punch but goes to the body. The bell rings. This one is up to the judges.
Spartan117: 10-9 Dirrell
Uatu: 10-9 Froch
Franchise: 10-9 Dirrell
The judges score the bout 114-113 Dirrell, 115-112 Froch, and 115-112 for the winner... and still WBC super middleweight titleholder... Carl "The Cobra" Froch.
Spartan117: 118-109 Dirrell
Uatu: 116-111 Dirrell
Franchise: 117-110 Dirrell
Dirrell says he "worked his ass off" and says he knows he did enough to win, "but that's a hometown decision." He says he didn't think he needed a knockout, and he deserved the decision. He sees a harder opponent in Arthur Abraham, who he fights next. He says he's ready to get back into the gym to put in that extra mile.
Froch says that he knows he won the fight. He credits Dirrell for being tough and quick but says that he didn't fight on the inside and fight like a man. He says that Dirrell had to make an excuse for his loss, and that's what he did. He says that Dirrell will never beat The Cobra.
Posted by spartan117
Dirrell got robbed but 118-109 for Dirrell? Come on, it was a pretty close fight.
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