Guerrero's record is 24-1-1 with 17 KOs. Malcolm Klassen is 24-4-2 with 14 KOs.
Round 1
Guerrero starts the action first while establishing the jab. Klassen is hesitant. The commentators say that Guerrero's team is going for the knockout. He's not impatient and is sticking to his snappy jab. Guerrero lands 4 unanswered punches. There's another combo from Guerrero. Guerrero is really taking it to Klassen. Klassen hasn't landed one meaningful punch yet. Klassen gets backed against the ropes and Guerrero unleashes a solid combo. Klassen lands a straight right hand. Now Klassen tries to get inside and go to work.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 2
Guerrero is unloading on Klassen against the ropes to start the round. He's mixing it up well to the head and body. Now Klassen is starting to let his hands go. He throws some solid combos but Guerrero's defense is looking pretty solid. Now Klassen gets in a good right hand, his best of the night. Guerrero goes back to the jab. He has a slight reach advantage that he's using well. The crowd starts to boo at the end of the round because of inactivity.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 3
Klassen turns up his activity and gets Guerrero against the ropes early. Guerrero comes right back and throws his own combos. Guerrero is looking really good in there. Klassen gets hit with a straight and comes right back with a left-right combo upstairs. Now Klassen plays the role of aggressor and Guerrero is on defensive. Guerrero is against the ropes but fights out of it well. Close round, tough to call.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klassen
Round 4
Guerrero goes back to the fundamentals at the start of the 4th. He lands a good jab followed up with a straight right. Guerrero is rocking the body and Klassen is doubled over. He looks hurt. He's fighting his way out of the corner now. This has been a great round for Guerrero. He's bouncing on his toes and is fighting like he trained well.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klassen
Round 5
Guerrero is the aggressor now and Klassen is backing up. Guerrero keeps the jab output up. He lands a great uppercut followed by a straight. Klassen comes forward now. He lands 2 solid straight rights. This has turned into a pro-Klassen round. Guerrero complains about a headbutt. The ref tells them both to stop holding. Guerrero gets trapped in the corner but dodges well.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klassen
Round 6
Guerrero counters well with a right hand. Guerrero goes back to the sharp combos to start winning some rounds. Klassen lunges with a right hand and misses. He lands a great right hand. Guerrero has Klassen in the conter but he's choosing his punches wisely. Guerrero lands two great uppercuts that knock out Klassen's mouthpiece. The ref finds a break in the action to get the mouthpiece back in. Good round for Guerrero.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 7
Guerrero lets his hands go again landing crisp combos. He lands another combo with a great straight left in there. Klassen now lands a combo of his own. There were about 2 punches in there that did some damage. Guerrero throws another combo with emphasis on his power left. Klassen gets in a punch before the bell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 8
A cut has opened over the left eye of Guerrero and ref is ruling it an accidental headbutt. It looks like it's slightly to the side of the eye so it may not hinder his vision. Klassen lands a good counter right hand. Guerrero is doing a good job of getting out of the way of some of Klassen's more wild punches. Klassen is zoning in on that cut. Guerrero paws at his cut. The both look like their getting tired as they clinch. Guerrero's left side of his face is a bloody mess but he turns it up and throws a couple more combos. Tough round to call.
Spartan117: 10-9 Klassen
Round 9
Guerrero goes back to the jab. Klassen counters with another left. Klassen pushes Guerrero away and throws some big right hands. Guerrero throws a couple good body shots on the inside. Now Klassen gets Guerrero against the ropes again and it looked like Guerrero may have been in trouble but he makes it out of trouble. Now the roles are reversed and Klassen is against the ropes. Klassen makes it out of danger as well. Guerrero doubles over after Klassen lands a big left to the body. Another close round.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 10
The fighters get a nice breather some the ref can dry the canvas. Guerrero keeps Klassen at a distance with his reach and jab. It's when Classen is able to get on the inside that he's doing damage. Guerrero's cut opens up again and the blood is pouring. Guerrero looks tired but he's still fighting with great heart. Klassen gets Guerrero against the ropes and lands a good body shot. Guerrero lands a good flurry at the bell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 11
Gurrero has been the busier fighter all round. He's been averaging more than 100 punches a round. Klassen has been landing some solid shots though and this hasn't been a bad showing for him by any means. Guerrero lands a good combo and Klassen lands a great right hand. Klassen gets back inside and lands some more body shots. Guerrero is against the ropes again but slips out. Now Guerrero gets Klassen against the ropes again and makes him pay. Guerrero is finishing very strong.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Round 12
Guerrero is fighting with a lot of heart down the stretch. It looks like he still wants the knockout. He hasn't thrown all defense out the window as he dodges some wide punches from Klassen. Guerrero lands another combo upstairs. Klassen goes down but it's ruled a slip. Guerrero lands 2 fantastic right hands and Klassen has no answer for them. Guerrero is throwing non-stop. It's all over, Guerrero should win a unanimous decision.
Spartan117: 10-9 Guerrero
Spartan117: 116-112 Guerrero
The judges score the bout 117-111, 116-113, and 116-112 all for the winner by unanimous decision and new title holder Robert Guerrero.
Posted by spartan117
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