Cintron is in the ring first, Angulo follows. Cintron is 30-2-1 with 27 KOs while Angulo is 15-0 with 12 KOs.
Round 1
Cintron starts the attack first. He sticks Angulo with a good jab. The fighters feel each other out and as they try to establish the jab. Cintron lands a hook to the body. Cintron looks good. Angulo lands a straight to the body and Cintron comes back with a left hook upstairs. Cintron lands a great hook to the body and straight to the head and Angulo counters with a right hook. Angulo picks up the pace. Angulo lands a right hook that backs up Cintron.
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 2
Cintron starts with the jab. Cintron lands a left-right to the body. Cintron sticks the jab again. Cintron throws a hard right hook that gets blocked well by Angulo. Angulo misses with the wide right hand. Angulo lands a jab. Cintron uses some good body movement to dodge Angulo's power shots. Angulo now lands a big right hand.
Spartan117: 10-9 Angulo
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 3
Cintron lands a big right hand in the first 30 seconds. He follows with another left hook. Cintron gets warned for pushing with his elbow. Cintron lands a fast flurry. Cintron lands a great right hand. Cintron lands a right uppercut followed by a straight left. Cintron lands a great combo with a huge left hand that knocks Angulo off balance. This has been a great round for Cintron. Cintron lands a big left hand to end the round.
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 4
Cintron lands a jab. Cintron shows his accuracy again with a left-right combo. Cintron gets warned for a low blow. It was definitely accidental. Cintron is landing at will. Cintron lands a right hand to the ear and Angulo is hurt. Cintron tried to load up the right hand but Angulo makes it out. Cintron is rocking Angulo with power punches. Cintron gets backed against the ropes and ties up. Cintron lands another huge right hand. Cintron looks amazing.
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 5
Angulo lands a left to the chest of Cintron. Angulo lands a left hand. Cintron lands a right to the body. Angulo lands a right hook. Cintron counters with a brilliant right hand. Cintron is using great movement which is giving Angulo problems. Angulo is carying his left hand below his waist. Cintron lands a left uppercut. Cintron looks to be trying to land a counter right.
Spartan117: 10-9 Angulo
Uatu: 10-9 Angulo
Round 6
Angulo lands a right hand but Cintron comes back with a counter right. Angulo lands a right hand. Cintron goes to the body. Commentator Lennox Lewis says that Angulo looks tired. Cintron lands a right-left combo that rocks Angulo. Cintron lands a right hand and a great left hand. Angulo counters with a left. Good round for Cintron
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 7
Cintron lands a right to the body and a left upstairs. The ref tells him to keep his punches up but I didn't see any foul play. Cintron lands a stiff jab. Cintron lands a great combo. Now he lands a shot below the belt. The ref warns him again. Cintron lands 2 more great right hands. Angulo switches to southpaw. Cintron uses more movement to slip Angulo's punches. Cintron now gets tagged with some right hands from Angulo while he is backed against the ropes.
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 8
Cintron starts off with a big right hand. Angulo stays with being the aggressor but Cintron has been countering well. Now Angulo backs Cintron up and lands a left hook. Angulo seems to feel the pressure of being down on the cards and turns up the offense. Angulo lands a right hand on the chin of Cintron. Cintron comes back and lands 2 punches on the inside. Cintron lands a left hand. The ref stops the action to fix some loose tape on the glove of Angulo. Tough round to score.
Spartan117: 10-9 Angulo
Uatu: 10-9 Angulo
Round 9
Angulo lands a left upstairs. Cintron lands a great right hand. Cintron throws an overhand right but misses. Cintron throws 2 uppercuts to the body. Angulo tries to throw some punches to the body. Cintron sticks the jab and dodges a hook from Angulo. Cintron loads up the right hand that lands. Angulo keeps coming forward. Cintron lands a hard left hook. Cintron really looks great.
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Cintron
Round 10
Angulo goes back to the jab. Cintron lands a right hook. It looks like Cintron may have been fading but he throws a great flurry that lands. Cintron keeps the jabs coming. Cintron lands a right hand. Angulo's corner told him that he needs a knockout to win. Cintron lands a wide left hook. Cintron grazes a right hand. Cintron lands a right uppercut now. Angulo switches back to southpaw. Angulo turns up the punch output and throws some strong combos to the head.
Spartan117: 10-9 Angulo
Uatu: 10-9 Angulo
Round 11
Cintron keeps throwing the jab, keeping Angulo back. Angulo lands a left but Cintron counters with the stronger shot. Cintron lands a left-right combo. Cintron looks a bit winded now. Angulo lands a left hand. Angulo lands a left. Angulo is looking better now but I think it may be too late. Cintron still moving well to get out of the way of Angulo's power shots. Angulo is visibly bothered.
Spartan117: 10-9 Cintron
Uatu: 10-9 Angulo
Round 12
Angulo's corner stresses the importance of a knockout. Cintron lands a great left hook. Cintron lands a left but Angulo lands a stronger right. Angulo swings for the fences. Angulo throws a few to the body. Cintron throws the jab. Angulo lands a great right hand. This has been a good round for Angulo. Cintron gets warned for holding. Cintron is really tired. Angulo lands a big combo. Cintron needs to hold on. Cintron comes back with a right hand. Now a left. Angulo swings away.
Spartan117: 10-9 Angulo
Uatu: 10-9 Angulo
Spartan117: 116-112 Cintron
Uatu: 115-113 Cintron
All 3 Judges score the bout 116-112 all in favor of Kermit Cintron
Cintron says you have to believe in yourself and he proved that he can box tonight. He says he needs to work on some things but he'll be better in his next fight. Cintron calls himself the future.
cintron is coming in much heavier than angulo. advantage in size to cintron over angulo, or a sign cintron is out of shape and will be sluggish again?
Not sluggish so far tonight!
cintron is looking extremely good. all kinds of movement, mixing up different punches.
I've said it a million times and I will say it again, I really don't think that Lennox is a bad commentator. He is sometimes a little choppy, but I think he is making good points today.
kermit faded just a little down the stretch. a bit of the bicycle in round 12.
well done. congrats to kermit.
Yeah he really showed something. And it's not like this ruined Angulo or anything, as he's still young.
well, I certainly don't see angulo having a chance of beating martinez anytime soon.
but you're right. angulo will surface again .
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