
Bradley v. Holt: Round by Round

Now for the main event.  The fighters are making their way to the ring.  Timothy Bradley vs. Kendall Holt is at 140 pounds and is for the WBC title.  Bradley makes his way to the ring first.  Holt follows with New York Giant running back Brandon Jacobs.  Both fighters are young Bradley being 25 and Holt 27.  

Holt is 25-2 with 13 KOs.  Bradley, the champ, is 23-0 with 11 KOs.  This is Bradley's second title defense.

Round 1
Holt gets in Bradley's face before the bell during the rules.  Holt yells at Bradley and says it's his belt.  Holt asks "wanna see this heart?" That should make for an interesting first round.  Bradley starts off first with a good jab.  He follows up with a good combo and gets Holt against the ropes.  Holt laughs.  Both fighters get tangled and tie up.  Holt lands a right hook.  Bradley gets Holt against the ropes and goes to the body.  Holt counters with 2 hooks to the head.  Both fighters are showing fast hands.  Bradley gets inside and Holt ties up.  Holt absolutely rocks Bradley with a left hook and Bradley goes down hard.  Bradley makes it up but takes a knee in the corner.  Bradley ties up to hold on.  Bradley has his legs back.  I'm surprised Bradley made it up.  It looked like a hard knock down.

Spartan117: 10-8 Holt
Uatu: 10-8 Holt

Round 2
They showed Brandon Jacobs reaction of the knock down and he went nuts.  Holt is pressing Bradley but not getting carried away.  Holt lands a left hook while against the ropes.  Bradley throws a big combo to the body.  Bradley throws a big left uppercut but misses.  Holt throws a right hook to the body.  Both fighters are exchanging fast combos.  Bradley lands a double jab to the body.  Holt lowers his hands below his waist.  Bradley is working harder in this round.  He lands 2 great combos to the body and evades Holt's hooks. 

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 3
Bradley lands a nice left hand.  Bradley backs holt up in the corner and lands 2 shots to the body.  Bradley is clearly the busier fighter now.  There has been a lot of exchanges but also a lot of clinching.  Holt lands a left to the body.  They trade punches in the corner.  Bradley puts on the pressure.  Bradley lands a stiff jab.  Holt is less active.  Bradley lands a left hook to the body.  Bradley is using great movement to get out of the way of Holt's right hand.

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 4
Bradley lands a triple jab followed with a right straight.  Bradley is still the aggressor.  Holt complains of a headbutt.  Holt swings and misses with a right hook.  Holt lands a great, stiff jab.  Bradley loads up the body shot.  Bradley lands another body combo and Holt comes back with a right hand upstairs.  Bradley gets Holt against the ropes again and lands hooks to the body plus 1 to the head.  Holt complains of another headbutt.  A cut has opened over Holt's right eye.

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 5
The ref tells the fighters to watch their heads.  Bradley has been doing a lot of damage while inside.  We aren't sure if the cut was opened by a punch or a headbutt.  Holt keeps complaining of headbutts.  Holt retaliates with 2 shots slightly low.  The ref didn't notice.  Bradley is still backing Holt down.  Bradley throws a double left hook that Holt blocks well.  Bradley throws a lunging uppercut that may have made it through the defenses of Holt.  

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 6
Holt goes back to the jab.  Now the fighters exchange huge combos.  Holt is barely missing with his power punches.  Holt isn't throwing many jabs which isn't working to his advantage.  Bradley goes back to the body and Holt ties up.  Holt throws a 6 punch combo to the body.  Bradley gets Holt agaisnt the ropes and Holt takes some leather.  Bradley lands 2 shots to the body and one upstairs.  Now Holt gets two punches in the Bradley's head.  Bradley is out-working Holt.  Bradley gets a warning for low punches.  That's his second warning.  

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 7
They trade jabs to start the round.  Bradley lands a good combo while Holt is against the ropes and Holt talks some trash as the get broken up.  Holt throws some big shots and Bradley fights back.  Bradley lands 2 huge body shots and it may have hurt Holt.  Holt guards his body big time.  Holt is really backing up.  Holt is in trouble.  He's exclusively gaurding his body.  Holt back against the ropes while Bradley rocks him with rights and lefts.  Holt looks very cautious.  Bradley fights before the bell rings.  Great round for Bradley.

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 8
Bradley goes back to the jab.  Holt lands  good left hook.  Bradley lands a huge left hook to the body after a Holt combo.  Bradley gets Holt against the ropes and unleashes a lightning fast combo the the head and body.  Holt is on the defensive now and throwing significantly less.  Bradley lands a good straight right hand.  The ref gives Holt a breather from a low punch from Bradley.  He doesn't deduct a point.  Holt slips when they come back to the action.  He looks a little tired.  Those body shots are really adding up.

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 9
Bradley lands a left-right hook combo as Holt comes in.  Holt backs off.  Holt lands a great counter uppercut but Bradley walks through it.  Holt throws the jab and lands a big right hand.  They clash heads as they both come in and both back off and hold their head.  Again no points get deducted.  Now Holt comes forward and lands a right to the body.  Bradley ducks a right hook.  This has been a better round for Holt.

Spartan117: 10-9 Holt
Uatu: 10-9 Holt

Round 10
Holt throws and lands a hook to the body and one to the head.  Less punches are being thrown by both.  Now they trade a lot of punches in the center.  I counted at least 7 from both fighter.  Bradley lands a left hook to the body and backs Holt up.  Holt gets turned around and Bradley lands a punch to the back of the head and the back of the body.  The ref gives Holt some time to recover.  No point deduction.  Bradley gets busy in the last minute.  Holt lands a great left to the body and knocks Bradley way back before the bell.

Spartan117: 10-9 Holt
Uatu: 10-9 Holt

Round 11
Now Holt comes forward, seeming to understand that he is behind on the cards.  They exchange combos.  Holt lands 2 hooks upstairs.  Bradley chases Holt around the ring as Holt backpeddles and turns around.  Bradley lands a stiff right hand.  Holt is really backing up.  Holt slows the punch output.  Now he goes back to the jab.  Bradley sneaks in a left hook.  Holt lands a right hook to end the round.  I still give the round to Bradley.

Spartan117: 10-9 Bradley
Uatu: 10-9 Bradley

Round 12
Holt goes to the body to start the round.  Holt is the aggressor now.  He lands a good left hook and slows Bradley.  Now Holt isn't punching.  He really needs this round.  Bradley comes forward now and lands a right hand.  Holt lands a left-right combo.  Holt's corner is telling him to come forward and he's not doing it.  Bradley lands 4 punches to the body.  Now Holt lands 2 shots above the beltline.  Holt lands an uppercut and it looked like Bradley slipped and his glove touches the canvas. The ref calls it a knockdown!  Bradley is fine and makes it up but doesn't complain that it was a slip.  It may have hurt him.  That will certainly make the fight closer.

Spartan117: 10-8 Holt
Uatu: 10-8 Holt

Judge 1 scores it 114-112. Judge 2 and 3 score it 115-111 all for the winner by unanimous decision....Timothy "Desert Storm" Bradley

Spartan117: 114-112 Bradley
Uatu: 114-112 Bradley

In the post-fight interview Bradley is very emotional.  He thanks God for everything and says he is truly blessed. He credits Holt for being a strong puncher but says that he trained hard and didn't cut corners which paved the way for his victory.  

In Holt's interview he says he's disappointed in himself.  He says he let his fans and corner down by giving away the middle rounds by not being busy.  Holt says he wants a rematch. 

Posted by spartan117


Anonymous said...

Holt threw the fight, give me a break. How much did the promoter kick back to Holt????

Nick Tylwalk said...

What are you saying Mr. Bradley, that you couldn't have beaten Holt if he had actually tried his hardest?

Come on, I know it's you!