Intros are finished, here we go.
Round One
Ward throws the first punch and tries to get the jab going. Buchanan is blocking it well. Ward is throwing some big power shots. Buchanan starts to turn his body to try to invite a shot to the back and gets warned by the ref. Ward lands a right hand in a clinch that affects Buchanan. Ward is showing aggression. Buchanan looks to be in trouble already. Ward starts an attack to the body. I'm not sure Buchanan landed one punch.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Two
Buchanan tries to get some offense going but Ward is catching him each time he comes in. Ward lands a wide left hook to the head. Ward now lands two body hooks. Buchanan gets caught with a big left hook. Ward's combos look pretty solid but there isn't much happening in Round Two.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Three
Now Ward is trying to end this, throwing some big haymakers but not leaving himself completely exposed. Ward is headhunting. Ward lands another big right hand upstairs that snaps the head of Buchanan. Sugarpoo isn't doing much of anything. Ward drops his hands at his waist. Buchanan gets a body shot in after the bell.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Four
Ward comes out in the fourth as a southpaw. It seems to be working for him as he lands a straight left. Ward lands another left upstairs followed by a right to the body. Buchanan takes a three-punch combo against the ropes. Buchanan starts to move around the ring more. Ward gets a few punches in while in a clinch. Ward could end this faster if he does more in upcoming rounds.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Five
Ward lands a left upstairs and two shots to the body. Ward lands another three head shots, then switches back to an orthodox stance. Ward knocks Buchanan's head with two hooks. Buchanan isn't doing much of anything. I think Ward's punches look more impressive than they actually are since Buchanan's face is showing no sign of damage.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Six
Ward lands a straight left to start the round. They clash heads but it produces no cuts. Buchanan is still not doing anything. Ward is landing some good punches every time they clinch. Ward goes back to the body and follows with a good right uppercut. It's his best punch of the fight. Ward hasn't been letting his hands go, which is leading to boring rounds.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Seven
Ward switches back to southpaw. He lands a great left hand to Buchanan's face. He said something to Buchanan but we're not sure what it was. Buchanan tries to clinch, but Ward hits him to keep him off. Ward lands a left hook upstairs. Ward is waiting a long time between his punches. Buchanan is still blocking a lot but not throwing much.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Eight
Ward switches back to orthodox. Ward gets Buchanan against the ropes and lands three punches to the head. Buchanan gets out and throws a few jabs. Ward lands a good liver punch, then a right straight. Ward is fighting like there is no threat from Buchanan and that is true. Ward wins another one.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round Nine
Ward snaps Buchanan's head with a jab. Ward stays in the orthodox stance. Ward lands a two-punch combo and Buchanan shakes his head. Ward lands a jab. Ward switches to southpaw halfway through the round. Ward is now letting Buchanan come at him. He knocks him back with a left.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round 10
Ward goes back to work, landing a two-punch combo. Ward lands a huge right hand. He backs Buchanan into the corner and lands a three-punch combo to the head and body. It looks like Ward is really treating this fight like a sparring session. Ward lands an overhand left, but it doesn't shake up Buchanan.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round 11
Buchanan is doing literally nothing. Ward is loading up the combos. He throws and lands a low blow. Buchanan takes some time to recover. Ward is not landing some big shots. Buchanan looks angry and says he wants to fight, but it's a little late for that. This could have been a good fight. Ward lands three punches: two to the head, one to the body. Buchanan beats his chest. The commentators give him a hard time. Buchanan waves him in.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Round 12
Ward is now going for the KO, though I don't think he's going to get it. Buchanan keeps his gloves up. Ward sticks to his jab. I'll be shocked if Buchanan gets one round from the judges. Ward lands two more shots and Buchanan shakes his head. Buchanan throws and misses two hooks. The commentators discuss giving the Buchanan the 11th round, which is pure rubbish. The fight is over. I had Ward winning all 12 rounds.
Spartan117: 10-9 Ward
Spartan117 scores it 120-108 Ward. All three judges score it 120-108 Ward.
The winner by unanimous decision... Andre "S.O.G." Ward.
ward had a setback due to his basketball injury. now I think he can step it up in competition.
I think he can take Andre Berto's old role as the boxer who internet fans give the most crap to for not fighting tougher opponents...
what's the S.O.G. stand for again?
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