
Toney vs. Oquendo: Round by Round

The main event of tonight's Versus card is here after three mismatches. It's between James Toney and Fres Oquendo. Oquendo is 29-4 with 18 KOs, and Toney is 70-6-3. Toney looks like he is in slightly better shape than his last outing against Hasim Rahman.

Round One:
The ref stops the action immediately after he notices that Oquendo forgot his mouthpiece. Toney lands a good counter jab to start the action. Toney lands a chopping right hand and Oquendo stumbles. Toney is able to back Oquendo up without throwing a punch. Oquendo clinches and Toney gets some body shots in. Oquendo lands a right hand and backs up Toney. Toney backs Oquendo against the ropes and lands a double jab. Oquendo now has Toney against the ropes but Toney blocks the combo.

Spartan117: 10-9 Toney

Round Two:
They start the round with a clash of heads. Toney lands another double jab. Oquendo isn't using his jab much, which is strange given his height advantage. Oquendo fights while Toney is against the ropes, but Toney's defense looks good. Oquendo lands a jab and Toney tumbles backwards. Toney gets some body shots in while clinching. Closer round than the first.

Spartan117: 10-9 Toney

Round Three:
Toney gets aggressive at the start of Round Three and comes forward throwing power shots. Oquendo lands a couple jabs and slows the pace. Toney lands a a stiff jab of his own. Oquendo lands a right hook. Toney wears his classic smirk. Toney gets backed off by a straight left from Oquendo. Oquendo starts throwing the power punches that slightly land.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round Four:
Toney comes out swinging again, then slows down and goes back to his jab. Oquendo lands a good right hook. Coming out of a clinch Toney slips, falls down, and goes through the ropes! The crowd boos and Toney gets up and says he's fine. Toney comes back and lands a good left hook. Oquendo comes right back and lands a right hook that gets Toney's attention.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round Five:
Toney has been coming out with power punches at the beginning of every round so far. It doesn't seem to be getting Oquendo off of his game plan. Oquendo lands a right hook. Oquendo is beating Toney to the punch and looks like he's taking control of this fight. Toney lands a jab and Oquendo responds with a big right hook. Toney lands a wide left hook. Oquendo's round for sure.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round Six:
Oquendo lands left hooks to the body and head of Toney. He is definitely landing the stronger shots. Toney is trying to lure Oquendo into his slick tricks, but Oquendo's speed looks to be bothering him. Oquendo backs up Toney with a left hook. Oquendo lands a jab but Toney comes back and lands a right-left combination. Toney lands a big fight hook. Oquendo lands a right uppercut.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round Seven:
Lots of stumbling around at the start of this round. Oquendo lands a jab followed by a right hook. Oquendo is doing well with his left hook - it's been landing all night. Toney backs up Oquendo against the ropes but can't get anything off. Oquendo lands right hooks to the head and body of Toney. Surprisingly, Toney doesn't look tired. Oquendo gets warned for a punch to the back of the head.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round Eight:
Toney is using good movement, but Oquendo is throwing a lot of punches and catching him with a lot. Oquendo has Toney against the ropes but doesn't throw anything. A punch grazes off the back of the head of Toney and the ref warns him again. Oquendo lands a big right hook. Another punch lands behind the head of Toney and the ref deducts a point.

Spartan117: 9-9

Round Nine:
Toney has Oquendo against the ropes but can't do anything with him. Toney gets out of the ropes and clocks Aquendo with a straight right. Now Oquendo lands a good left hook. These guys are trading some solid shots and I'm surprised neither has gone down. This is also a stronger round for Toney, who gets in a quick jab. Oquendo lands a wide right hook that knocks the head of Toney back.

Spartan117: 10-9 Toney

Round 10:
Toney backs Oquendo up with his jab. Oquendo is relying on a big right hand now, and he lands one. Oquendo lands a jab and follows with a right hook. Not many telling blows in this round. Oquendo lands mostly jabs which won him the round for me.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round 11:
There doesn't look like there is any danger of either fighter getting knocked out. Oquendo lands an overhand right hook. Oquendo lands a huge right hand and Toney looks like he might be in some trouble. It looked like he clinched to stay up. Oquendo lets him get his legs back and misses a huge opportunity. He still wins the round.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo

Round 12:
Oquendo lands a giant right hand that shakes up Toney. Oquendo is really going for the KO. He has Toney against the ropes but doesn't do much. Toney is OK after the big right hand earlier but isn't doing enough to win the round. Oquendo gets Toney's attention with a big jab, then lands two big shots to the body right before the bell.

Spartan117: 10-9 Oquendo
Spartan117: 116-111 Oquendo
Judge 1: 115-112 Toney
Judge 2: 116-111 Oquendo
Judge 3: 114-113 Toney
The winner by split decision... James "Lights Out" Toney.


Nick Tylwalk said...

Strange to see Lights Out coming forward so much, but if he didn't, there would be a real chance both of these guys would just stand there looking to counter.

uatu said...

was james trained by roach for this fight?