Round 1
Vera is the more active boxer early in the 1st. Kirkland is landing good counter punches. Kirkland lands a great straight and is now dictating the pace. Kirkland has been known to throw more than 100 punches in the first round of his fights and also for swinging wildly. He's really throwing haymakers tonight. Vera lands a couple right hooks. Kirkland is landing the cleaner punches in the 1st.
Spartan117: 10-9 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-9 Kirkland
Round 2
Vera stumbles backward after a left body shot from Kirkland. Kirkland capitalizes and lands a straight left that knocks Vera down. Vera gets up and shakes it off. Vera lands 2 big right hands but Kirkland fights through. Vera is going for a KO and throwing right hand after right hand. A cut is opens over the right ear of Vera from a headbutt. Kirkland goes back to his jab. Vera goes down again in the closing seconds of the round. Vera makes it up and complains that he thought it was a slip. Looked like a knockdown to me.
Spartan117: 10-7 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-7 Kirkland
Round 3
Vera's legs look weak. He's really relying on that big right hand. Kirkland lands a huge combination of left and right hooks. Vera somehow fights through. Kirkland is landing good shots but Vera is still fighting forward. Vera is also landing but his punches are doing a fraction of what Kirkland is bringing.
Spartan117: 10-9 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-9 Kirkland
Round 4
Kirkland after being well rested comes out throwing for the knockout. Vera comes forward and lands two big hooks upstairs. Kirkland shows that he has a good chin. Kirkland lands another great combo. Compubox shows that 60% of the punches thus far have been power shots from both fighters. Vera is getting crushed with a lot of them but taking them well. Kirkland is measuring Vera up to land a big left. Vera lands a huge right hand. The crowd is really into this fight.
Spartan117: 10-9 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-9 Kirkland
Round 5
Kirkland lands a stiff jab. Kirkland has Vera against the ropes and pours the punches on. Vera nods and says he can take his punches. Kirkland is landing the majority of the punches but Vera keeps landing single big right hands that twist the neck of Kirkland. Vera's legs are very clumsy. He looks tired. Kirkland lands a big left uppercut with Vera against the ropes. Somehow Vera fights on. His trainer should consider throwing in the towel if this keeps up.
Spartan117: 10-9 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-9 Kirkland
Round 6
Kirkland has being throwing most of his punches in the first minute of the round. He's now beginning to throw to the body. Vera keeps forcing the straight right hand. Vera is using good movement but his hands are low. Kirkland lands a big hook to the body and Vera stumbles. Kirkland lands an enormous uppercut followed by a right hook but Vera stays up.
Spartan117: 10-9 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-9 Kirkland
Round 7
Kirkland really wants to close this fight. Vera fights on and lands a right straight. Kirkland comes back with a bigger left hand. Kirkland lands another big left followed by a right hook. Vera is just taking punishment now but is still throwing for the knockout. Vera's chin is really amazing.
Spartan117: 10-9 Kirkland
Uatu: 10-9 Kirkland
Round 8:
Kirkland comes out and lands a jab. Kirkland throws a lunging left power shot and snaps Vera's neck back. Kirkland puts his hands down and dodges with his upper body then counters with a short right hook and Vera goes down. Vera takes a huge beating after he gets up against the ropes and the ref stops it.
James Kirkland wins by TKO
I think it's awesome that Kirkland has a female trainer. Why not? There are so many old, fat, out of shape coaches and trainers in the sports world who were never athletes themselves, so why not a trainer who just happens to be female that actually knows what it's like to be in shape and be a figher?
nice, round 2 of the undercard and already an audible ricky hatton chant.
I am inclined to agree with the hbo crew. good stoppage. kirkland is sure to be seen again on hbo sooner than later.
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