Rd 1: Zab strikes first and establishes the jab. He gets off between 7 and 10 punches before Clottey throws a punch. Clottey looks to be waiting to counter. Clottey is keeping his hands high. Clottey lands a grazing hook and backs up Judah. Judah is using good upper body movement to get out of the way of Clottey's fists. Clottey gets in close and lands a combo to the body. Clottey is the aggressor in this round. Clotey lands a strong counter. Zab sticks with the jab but they have mostly been blocked. Clottey backs Judah up again.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Judah
Rd 2: Zab uses his jab some more. Clottey throws a hard combo but Judah blocks it well. They square up in the middle of the ring. Judah now starts to throw good combos and scores. Clottey now goes to work to the body. Judah follows suit and throws some shots to the body. Judah's punches look as fast as ever. Zab gets some good jabs in between the gloves. Judah is the more active fighter in this round.
Spartan117: 10-9 Judah
Uatu: 10-9 Clottey
Rd 3: Clottey's trainers tell him to work the body. Judah is doing a good job of hitting and ducking. Judah throws a good combo to the body that scores. Clottey gets Zab against the ropes and lands a hook to the body and head. Judah clinches to get out. Clottey is now turning up the punching output. Both fighters are throwing more punches to the body, probably because they are both keeping their defense high. Clottey has been winning on the ropes and Judah has been winning in the center.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Judah
Rd 4: Judah slips on the canvas and Clottey takes advantage and lands two shots. Judah composes himself and throws multiple combos and lands most of his punches. Clottey is now complaining about a low blow. It looked on the low side but not that low. The ref says fight on. Judah's face is starting to swell. Clottey comes in and lands a solid jab. Judah now takes more punishment but fights through it. Clottey lands some heavy shots in round 4.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Clottey
Rd 5: Clottey moves forward and Judah stays light on his feet, ready to dodge. Judah's upper body movement has helped him get out of the way of some big shots. Clottey has been getting some uppercuts through the gloves of Zab. It doesn't look like Zab's punches are taking a toll on Clottey. Clottey leads in with a straight right. Clottey smiles at Zab's lightning fast combo at the end of the round.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Judah
Rd 6: Zab turns up the intensity at the start of the round. Most are blocked. Zab looks ready to get out of the way of Clottey's punches. Zab doubles up with the combos and lands to the body of Clottey. Zab gets in trouble for another low blow and Clottey is given time to regroup. Zab does not lose a point. Clottey now goes back to counter punching. Zab is landing more punches but Clottey is landing the cleaner punches.
Spartan117: 10-9 Judah
Uatu: 10-9 Judah
Rd 7: Clottey's stronger punches are landing as we get into the later rounds. Judah is still moving around a lot and moves out of the way. Max Kellerman now quotes Robert Frost. Clottey lands a bomb of a combo and Judah is in trouble in the corner. He dodges and holds on to make it out of the round.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Clottey
Rd 8: Judah's punch output has been fading as the fight moves on and Clottey continues to land at a higher percentage. In this round Judah is throwing more now and Clottey is throwing less. The fight is still very close and Judah is showing that he really wants to win. Judah's face is badly swollen and his nose is bleeding profusely. Judah is still fighting back very hard. Clottey gets backed into the ropes and takes some serious bombs by Judah. It wasn't enough to steal the round in my opinion.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Clottey
Rd 9: Zab doesn't look tired in there as he continues to duck and dodge. Clottey is now throwing more and Judah is on the run. A cut has opened over the right eye of Judah. The ref stops the action to examine the cut and it's being ruled as an accidental clash of heads. Judah says that he can't see and the fight is stopped. Clottey is being raised by his camp as if he is the winner but the fight must go to the scorecards.
Spartan117: 10-9 Clottey
Uatu: 10-9 Clottey
Judge 1: 86-85 Judge 2: 87-84 Judge 3: 86-85
All for the winner by unanimous decision, Joshua Clottey.
Spartan 117: 88-83 Clottey
Uatu: 86-85 Clottey
After examination of the replay, it appears that the cut was opened by an uppercut by Clottey.
Clottey says that everyone knew that Zab would get tired after the 4th round, so he trained to bring the pain after that round. He says that Zab never hurt him and nobody in his boxing career has ever hurt him. He says of course he wants Margarito, but if that can't happen he says he wants Andre Berto, which I think would be an amazing fight.
Judah says he knows that Clottey always headbutts. Kellerman shows him the replay that shows the cut being opened by an uppercut by Clottey. Zab is speechless for a few seconds, then says to trust him that it was a headbutt. He asks the fans who won and the crowd chants for Judah.
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