The last fight of the night is the heavyweight fight between Oleg Maskaev v. Samuel Peter. The commentators believe that these fighters will swing hard and often to make an exciting fight. Maskaev is the title holder. The winner of this fight will be the fighter that Wladimir Klitschko must fight and defeat to become the undisputed heavyweight champ.
Maskaev is 39 years old while Peter is only 27. As the last fight demonstrated, age doesn't always matter.
Maskaev comes out to "Another one Bites the Dust" and in a sombrero. Very similar to an entrance we've seen before. Floyd Mayweather perhaps?
Both fighters look big, mean and ready to fight.
Round 1: They walk to the center of the ring and touch gloves. Both fighters are feeling each other out and don't throw anything for the first 30 seconds. Peter throws the first punch but it does not connect. Maskaev looks cautious. Peter lands a left hook and a jab. The pace is slow. Peter lands the first forceful blow and its a right to Maskaev's head.
Spartan: 10-9 Peter
Uatu: 10-9 Peter
Round 2: This fight looks like it's in slow motion when it is shown after the last fight we just saw. Peter gets backed into the ropes but counter's his way out. Peter throws jabs to the head and body. Maskaev now getting busier. Peter usually throws the first punch in a sequence of traded punches. Maskaev throws a hard right that misses and causes him to loose his balance. Peter does not capitalize.
Spartan: 10-9 Peter
Uatu: 10-9 Peter
Round 3: Peter works the jab which is the first punch to land in the round. The commentators have been scolding Peter about his punches landing in the back of the head. Apparently Peter has a history of hitting behind the head. Peter lands a massive power punch and unloads on a hurt Maskaev against the ropes. Maskaev makes it out of the ropes and lands a hard right hand of his own and staggers Peter. Both fighters are lucky to make it out of the round.
Spartan: 10-9 Peter
Uatu: 10-9 Maskaev
Round 4: Both fighters are very cautious for the first minute of the round. Peter lands a perfect jab that hits hard. Peter's body movement dodges three hooks delivered by Maskaev. Maskaev lands a hard left hook which backs Peter.
Spartan: 10-9 Maskaev
Uatu: 10-9 Peter
Round 5: The open scoring of this fight lets us know that Peter is winning on all 3 judges score cards. Maskaev now throws more jabs. Jim Lamply now shows his hatred for open scoring as he has done numerous times in the past. Both fighters now taking their time before throwing their punches. Maskaev lands a hard right hand and the crowd erupts.
Spartan: 10-9 Maskaev
Uatu: 10-9 Peter
Round 6: Peter is the more aggressive fighter in this round. Peter lands a shot to the back of the head. Maskaev holds his head and takes two more hard shots. The ref warns Peter. Maskaev lands left that knocks Peter off balance. Maskaev gets clocked with a vicious right and staggers back. He is practically out on his feet. Peter follows the stumbling Maskaev around the ring landing at will. He also lands two punches to the back of the head which goes unnoticed by the ref but most of the barrage lands cleanly. The ref finally steps in and stops the fight.
The winner by TKO, and new WBC heavyweight champion, Samuel Peter.
Peter shouts into the microphone for his post fight interview. "UNDISPUTED HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. WHO NEXT?" He says he can beat any boxer in the world and says he can do it tomorrow.
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