Urango gets introduced first. He is 21-1-1 with 16 KOs. Berto is 24-0 with 19 KOs.
This fight is for Berto's WBC welterweight title. And here we go!
Round 1
Berto throws the jab first and shows his hand speed with a flurry. Berto sticks the right hand and gets out of the way. Urango is fighting very hunched over. Berto lands a hook to the body. Berto keeps the jab coming. He tries to catch Urango coming in but misses with the right hand. They clash heads while coming in. Berto paws at his face. He's using some great movement.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 2
Berto lands the left-right combo, followed by a right uppercut. He tries it again but it gets blocked this time. Berto throws two wide right hooks - one lands. Berto is headhunting. Urango tries to land but Berto's speed is giving him problems. Berto lands a couple of great hooks.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 3
Urango tries to turn up the aggression, but he's not landing much. Berto paws the jab. Berto throws the right hand but it's off target. Berto sticks the jab and they tie up. There has been an awful lot of clinching tonight. They clinch again... and again. Berto lands a great punch and Urango goes down. The ref calls it a slip. Berto smells blood and starts swinging. Urango makes it out of the round.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 4
The replay shows that it was indeed a slip. Berto lands two punches and ties up. It's hard to tell who's doing the holding. Berto lands a great right hand. Urango starts throwing wildly. Now the two start fighting. Berto lands a right hand but ties up. Berto gets hit and knocked off balance. Urango lands a body shot and Berto ties up. Berto lands a right-left combo. Urango lands a body shot.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 5
Berto lands a great flurry. Urango goes to the body. Berto lands a huge left hand. Berto is putting everything he has behind these punches. Berto lands another left-right combo and ducks out of the way of Urango's counter. Urango lands a left. Berto lands a right hand now. They go back to holding again. Berto throws a right uppercut that lands. Urango tries to throw the overhand right but misses.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 6
Berto throws the jab. Berto is dodging all of Urango's power shots. Urango lands a body hook. Berto gets Urango against the ropes and throws some big shots. Berto lands a straight right hand. Now Berto unleashes a vicious combo that hurts Urango. Berto is punishing Urango, though he lands his own right hand before the bell. Good round for Berto.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 7
Berto lands a left hook that twists Urango. Berto gets backed into the corner and he clinches to get out of trouble. Berto lands a right uppercut. Berto catches Urango coming in with a big right hand. Berto lands another lightning-fast combo. Berto throws a right hook that lands upstairs. Urango is barely touching Berto.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 8
Berto punches and slips as usual. Urango still can't find Berto. Berto gets backed in the corner but ties up to get out of trouble. Urango lands a left hook and Berto beats his chest. The ref tells Berto to stop holding. Berto lands a left hand and Urango swings and misses.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 9
Berto is on his way to winning a perfect fight. Uatu states that this fight is quite boring. I would agree. Berto circles Urango now. Urango can't find him, but Berto isn't doing much himself. The crowd starts to boo. Berto continues to circle. Berto sticks and moves. The crowd really starts to boo now. I want to give Urango this round just because Berto is barely doing anything, but Urango hasn't done much of value either.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 10
Berto gets backed into the corner, but Urango doesn't do anything. Berto throws one punch and clinches. Berto hasn't thrown a punch for about 15 seconds now. Berto lands a right hand upstairs now. He lands a shot to the body and clinches again. Now Berto lands the most meaningful punches of the round: two right hands that didn't hurt Urango. Berto is wasting his talent right now. Berto lands another right hand. Urango swings and misses with two right hands.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 11
They touch gloves in the center of the ring. Now Berto starts to let his hands go. He throws a couple great combos. Berto lands a right hand. Berto keeps talking to Urango but I have no idea what he's saying. Commentator Bob Papa says that he's talking to Max Kellerman. Berto lands a couple of left hands.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Round 12
Hopefully these dudes bring some action to the last round. Berto throws his typical fast left-right combo. Urango lands a few body shots and lands one to the head. Urango goes to the body again. Berto lands a left hand. Berto throws a right hand that sends him off-balance. Urango goes to the body again with a series of shots.
Spartan117: 10-9 Berto
Uatu: 10-9 Berto
Spartan117: 120-108 Berto
Uatu: 120-108 Berto
The judges score the bout 117-111, 118-110 and 118-110, all for the winner by unanimous decision... and still WBC welterweight titleholder... Andre Berto.
Posted by spartan117